League of Legends patch notes for patch 12.8 released

by on September 20, 2022

League of Legends patch notes are always going to be analysed, and 12.18 includes some buffs, nerfs, behavioural system changes, and more.

Riot Games says that “following the trend of our last two patches, 12.18 is focused on tuning down some overperforming picks in Pro like Kalista and Lulu, while giving a little power to champions just under everyone’s radar. Since our goal isn’t to completely change the meta from playoffs, these adjustments will be on the lighter side”, and that “Ashen Slayer Sylas, Fright Night Annie, Fright Night Draven, Fright Night Nautilus, Fright Night Renata Glasc, Fright Night Trundle, Fright Night Urgot, and Worlds 2022 Azir will be available September 22, 2022”.

League of Legends patch notes for patch 12.8 released

There’s a plethora of nerfs and buffs to get into, so let’s get started:

  • Ashe: bonus attack speed increased
  • Hecarim: AD ratio decreased, damage per stack decreased. W post-mitigation damage heal reduced.
  • Kalista: base health decreased (from 604 to 574)
  • Kayn: Darkin form Q bonus AD scaling decreased.
  • Lee Sin: Health growth increased. W lifesteal and spellvamp increased.
  • Lulu: W bonus movement speed decreased, disable duration decreased, cooldown increased.
  • Maokai: Passive heal decreased. Q bonus damage to monsters increased. E AP scaling decreased.
  • Miss Fortune: Health growth and AD growth decreased.
  • Nocturne: Attack damage growth decreased.
  • Thresh: Health growth increased. E base damage increased.
  • Udyr: Base health decreased, armor growth decreased. Q mana cost decreased, AP scaling increased, first 2 attacks now gain 50 range, Awakened Q now deals additional maximum health damage on first 2 attacks. W percent healing decreased, lifesteal now scales with rank. R base damage decreased, AP scaling decreased, damage to minions adjusted.

Elsewhere, there’s some changes been made to the behavioural systems: Players you have recently honored or who have recently honored you will show up in the suggested party members menu with an honor icon next to their summoner name. Now you can run it back with those you’ve already enjoyed playing with!

There’s also new Mythic Content, news that Worlds Clash “Team formation for the first weekend of Worlds Clash will be open starting on September 26 and the tournaments will be on October 1 and 2. In addition to the trophy, banner, and logo rewards of other Clash tournaments, Worlds Clash has an additional reward of a loot capsule”.

There will also be new challenges coming for patch 12.18 and a load of bugfixes and quality of life changes.