Wild Hearts | How to find all the Documents

by on February 13, 2023

Documents are one of the collectibles in Wild Hearts, and one of the most interesting. They offer up additional lore about the world of Azuma as well as more granular looks at other aspects such as the mysterious Karakuri. But it can prove difficult to find them all. However, here at God is a Geek, we’ve pulled together a guide so you can find all the Documents with ease.


Wild Hearts | How to find all the Documents

Rather than having to worry about finding all the Documents on your own, Wild Hearts implements a system to help you find them on your own. However you need to do a few things to help yourself first, and then finding them should be a doddle.

1. Explore the area

It might sound counter-intuitive but for this method to work you’re going to need the map discovered. The map in Wild Hearts has a fog that is only lifted if you’ve explored near the area. This will naturally lift, particularly in the early areas, as you explore and hunt monsters. But if you notice areas you can see are still misted out, try and visit near them until it all appears on the map.

2. Get the Hunter Tower: Expansion upgrade

In the Karakuri Skill Tree, you’re going to want to firstly prioritise unlocking the Hunter Tower: Expansion upgrade. This will increase the circular range of every Hunter Tower you place in an area, which will be critical for the next few steps.

3. Place your Hunter Towers carefully

At the beginning of the game, you’ll likely just be experimenting with Dragon Karakuri and not really considering where you put things. However, to help you find collectibles, you’re going to need to be a bit more thoughtful. Each Hunter Tower has a circular radius, and you’re going to want to make sure that every part of the map is covered by a Hunter Tower. You should have all the fog cleared to see where you need to cover. Once your towers are placed, every part of the map should be covered by them.

4. Get the Hunter Tower: Deep Probe upgrade

The key upgrade here for the Hunter Tower is the Deep Probe upgrade. It will highlight all collectibles on the map that are covered by a Hunter Tower. And given we have set up our Hunter Towers to cover the whole map, this means all the collectibles will become visible on the map.

5. Activate the Hunter Towers

The collectibles will only be visible on the map once you’ve activated a Hunter Tower. Activating one, activates them all so just head for the most convenient one and activate it.

6. Head for the “?” icons to find the collectibles

Now all the collectibles will be displayed as a “?” on the screen. These icons could either be a Tsukumo, a Document, or a rare Talisman. Sometimes the collectibles are at ground level, whereas others will be higher up. So when you’re in the spot of a “?” icon, always consider that it could be above or below you if you don’t spot it right away.

With this method, you should easily be able to find all the Documents in every area of Wild Hearts.